
Calverley Parkside Primary School

Ready Respectful Responsible

Summer 1

This is what we will be learning about this first half term in Year 4. More information about the different subjects can be found in the 'Curriculum' section of the school website.


Reading: This half term we will be starting a new text: SF Said's fantastic novel, Varjak Paw. We will focus on a specific chapter each week and we will be looking to develop the key reading skills of summarising, predictions and inferences. We will also explore the key vocabulary in each chapter as we read it. 


Writing: Our first unit of writing this half-term will be a diary from the perspective of a Victorian Child. This links to our history unit this term. Our second unit of the half-term will be an explanation tex. We will be applying our knowledge of the digestive system to write an explanation text. 


Maths: This half-term, we will be continue to study Decimals before moving onto Money and then Time. See the steps we will cover below: 



Step 1 Make a whole with tenths
Step 2 Make a whole with hundredths
Step 3 Partition decimals
Step 4 Flexibly partition decimals
Step 5 Compare decimals
Step 6 Order decimals
Step 7 Round to the nearest whole number
Step 8 Halves and quarters as decimals 



Step 1 Write money using decimals
Step 2 Convert between pounds and pence
Step 3 Compare amounts of money
Step 4 Estimate with money
Step 5 Calculate with money
Step 6 Solve problems with money



Step 1 Years, months, weeks and days
Step 2 Hours, minutes and seconds
Step 3 Convert between analogue and digital times
Step 4 Convert to the 24-hour clock
Step 5 Convert from the 24-hour clock


Science:  In Science this half-term we are studying animals (inc. humans). We will begin  by exploring the digestive system in humans and other animals before looking at different types of teeth and their functions. Following this, we will take part in a scientific enquiry which will explore how different types of soft drinks affect our teeth. Finally, we will explore different food chains in a range of different habitats. 


History: This term we will being our new history topic which will explore the Victorian Age. We will begin the unit by looking at the impact of the industrial revolution in Britain and Leeds. We will then compare the life in the countryside to the life within cities in Victorian Britain Following this, we will take part in lessons which explore how transport changed and what life was like for children during the Victorian age. 


Art and Design: This half-term, we will be focusing on our printing skills through exploration of the work by the Victorian artist, William Morris. We will begin by evaluating Morris' work before creating our own designs for print in based on his nature influenced style. 


PE: This half term we will be focusing on and improving our volleyball skills. 

