Ready Respectful Responsible
Welcome to the Reception class page! This term our learning theme is 'What Makes Us Unique?'
Please click here to see the knowledge organiser for this term.
This term our main focus will be on forming positive relationships with all the children so they feel comfortable, safe and happy at school. We will do this through circle times, stories we share and games.
Reading: Your child will be learning to decode and read small words this term. They will have daily phonics sessions that will support them in decoding small words aswell as learning there Phase 2 tricky words. Your child will be learning to hear initial sounds and will practise blending and segmenting sounds to read words. For example, in the word cat, they will recognise that it is made up of 3 sounds, c a t and will be able to blend these sounds together to read the word.
Writing: In writing your child will be learning to write their full name independently and forming letters in the correct starting points. They will be focusing on forming their letters carefully, using the correct pencil grip to support them. Your child will be learning to hear, say and write initial, middle and end sounds in words. They will write about themselves and family. Your child will use their phonics knowledge and experiences to help them write small labels and captions.
In reception, we follow we follow the Floppy's Phonics programme. It is a rigorous, easy-to-use systematic synthetic phonics teaching programme for early reading and writing success. It introduces the children to the letters and sounds (the alphabetic code) that are at the foundation of all reading and writing.
It follows a 4-part planning sequence:
1. Revisit and review
2. Teach
3. Practise
4. Apply
You can find more information about how phonics is taught in reception and across school here.
We use the White Rose Scheme of learning to support the teaching of mathematical skills and concepts. This term your child will focus on matching and sorting objects and comparing amounts.
Our P.E day each week will be on a Wednesday (morning) and lessons will start on Wednesday 28th September. Please can your child come to school dressed in their P.E kit. Additional to their weekly P.E lessons, your child will also have access to the EYFS outdoor area where they will play ball games and other physical activities that will support their physical development.