Ready Respectful Responsible
Links to our Safeguarding and Online E-Safety Policy:
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- E-Safety and Social Media Policy
If parents have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of their or any child, they should contact:
Mr Chris Jolley (Lead Safeguarding & Child Protection Officer - DSL)
Mrs Lucy Larkin (Deputy DSL)
Mrs Anne Stark (CPO)
Mrs Claire Sherwin (CPO)
Calverley Parkside Primary School will strive to ensure that all pupils remain safe and free from harm, and the school is committed to playing a full and active part in the multi-agency approach to child protection concerns. Additionally, the school has a legal duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, and to have a child protection policy and procedures in place, which should be shared with parents, to address concerns about the safety and protection of children.
Through their day to day contact with pupils, and direct work with families, staff who work in schools have a crucial role to play in noticing indicators of possible abuse or neglect. Parents should be aware therefore, that where it appears to a member of staff that a child may have been abused, the school is required, as part of the local child protection procedures to report their concern to Children’s Social Care immediately. To avoid any misunderstandings therefore, parents of children who sustain accidental injuries outside school, which result in cuts/bruises/fractures should inform the school without delay and explain the cause.
School will inform parents of any concerns about their children (providing it does not compromise the child’s safety) and will help and support them as necessary.
School will take positive action to prevent children suffering abuse and neglect through the development of an open culture that informs children of their rights, and encourages them to speak about any concerns. The school will also address the issue of children's safety through the curriculum.
Responding to Concerns
Child/Child Abuse
Physical and emotional abuse of children by other children will be dealt with, initially, through the school's anti-bullying policy. Parents/carers will be kept informed. All concerns about possible sexual abuse will be referred immediately to Children’s Social Care.
Child Protection Strategy Meeting and Conferences
Members of school staff will attend strategy meetings and conferences when required and will provide information about children and families. This information will be shared with parents beforehand if possible. School will keep confidential child protection records separately from a pupil’s academic and other school records.
Information from any source, including parents, about possible child abuse cannot be kept confidential.
Information and records about children who are the subject of a Child Protection Plan will be given only to those people who need it, and will be kept strictly confidential by them.
NSPCC - Speak Out, Stay Safe
Calverley Parkside also work alongside the NSPCC with the Speak Out, Stay Safe Programme to support children in recognising safe adults, and using the appropriate channels to report if they are being subject to abuse.