Ready Respectful Responsible
Dear Parent/Carer
Hello, I would like to introduce myself as the Learning Mentor in school. I have 23 years of experience working throughout all Key Stages at Calverley Parkside Primary School.
My role is to support all our children and their families.
I will be working with children, parents/carers, staff and outside agencies to provide the best solution for children who are experiencing problems to overcome any barriers to learning they may have. I will listen to children, offering support and practical advice in order for them to achieve the best they can whilst at Calverley Parkside Primary School.
I can offer one-to-one support or small group work on a short or long term basis which will be tailored to meet the needs of the children concerned.
I am available and happy to meet with parents/carers to discuss any difficulties and plan a way forward. This may include:
Supporting children with behavioural problems.
Supporting attendance.
Supporting difficulties with friendships.
Supporting with problems in or out of school which may affect their work.
Supporting after a long absence.
Supporting parent/carers – I am a good listener and am here to help, not judge in any way.
By supporting children in this way, we can work towards:
Increased confidence and motivation.
Better social skills and friendships.
Improved attitude and behaviour – both in and out of school.
Improved attendance and punctuality.
A more positive attitude towards school.
More effective communication between parents, carers and the school.
I am available in school on a daily basis.
If you would like to arrange to speak to me about any specific concerns or just for an informal chat to say hello, please do not hesitate to pop in and see me. If I am unavailable, I will get back to you as soon as I can. If you would prefer a more specific appointment, please ring the school on 0113 2570884.
I look forward to meeting you.
Yours faithfully
Anne Stark
Learning Mentor
At Parkside we have interwoven key elements of our broader curriculum together to give strong themes for each half-term. These themes guide our lessons, assemblies and learning launch weeks giving a clear structure for developing our pupils as learners and adults of the future. We have linked PSHE with our 'Empowering Learning' aims and our SMSC curriculum.
Click on the document to see how they have been designed to support pupils.
Helping our pupils be ready for the next step...
The digital world opens up many opportunities for our pupils, however it is not without risk. We constantly develop how we support children to stay safe in the digital world. This ranges from -e-safety weeks and one off events. We will try to find useful online resources to support families protect children at home. We will list them below.