
Calverley Parkside Primary School

Ready Respectful Responsible

Autumn 1

Year 1 Autumn Medium Term Plan 2024-25

This is what we will be learning about this first half term in Year 1.  More information about the different subjects can be found on the 'Curriculum' section of the school website.


This half term we will be reading a range of picture books in our reading lessons to develop the children's love for reading. Our main focus will be on increasing the children's fluency however we will also be developing a range of reading skills such as identifying and improving vocabulary, making predictions and using inference to answer questions.  

Some of the books we will be sharing this half term are:

  • The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas
  • Senses poems


During our writing lessons, we will be writing a non-chronological report for an animal. We will be looking at the different features of a non-chronological report; including headings, subheadings and facts. We will be focusing on capital letters and full stops to start our sentences. The children will then write their own report on an animal of their choosing. 


This half term we will be learning about:

Place value (within 10)

Addition and Subtraction


Please find below the small steps for each unit. 


This half term we will be learning about the 'Animals Including Humans'. 

The knowledge organiser for this can be found below.


PE this half term is on Mondays. We will be learning how to play football outside (weather permitting), so children are advised to wear warmer PE kit. For our indoor session we will be looking at different ball skills using Real PE.


Using Purple Mash, we will be looking at online safety as well as using the tools to sort and group objects digitally. 



In PHSE we will be learning how to keep ourselves physically healthy. We will look at foods considered 'treats' and the importance of eating these in moderation. We will also look at different games we can play to keep our bodies active.


Using Charanga we will celebrate a wide range of musical styles. We will focus on 

Listening, Singing, Playing, Composing and Performing. 

Religious Education

This half term are theme is 'How can we make good choices?'. We will look at books and stories that are special to us and reflect on the meanings in stories. We will investigate special books and writings for religious believers in particular the Bible and the Qur'an.


In art we will begin to explore colour mixing, thinking about primary and secondary colours. We will then explore the work of Wassily Kandinsky, a Russian painter known for his abstract art. 
