
Calverley Parkside Primary School

Ready Respectful Responsible

Summer 2

Summer Half-Term 2


This is what we will be learning about this half term in Year 5. More information about the different subjects can be found in the 'Curriculum' section of the school website.



Our main focus text will be Corlaline. We will be reading this in our daily reading lessons and using it to develop the children's retrieval and inference skills. We will also focus on vocabulary within each chapter.



During our writing lessons, we will be writing a suspense narrative based on Coraline. The main techniques we will be focusing on are setting suspense using 'show not tell' sentences and both adjectives and adverbial phrases.


This half term, we will be learning about shape, position/direction and converting units.






Converting Units


This half term we will be learning about Animals including humans. We will be looking at:

The changes as humans develop to old age - baby, child, adolescent, adult, elderly adult

Art and Design: 

Our art work for this half term will finish our work looking at Henri Rousseau and Georgia O'Keefe. We will be creating paintings in their style looking at natural patterns in nature.. More details about the knowledge and skills the children will be learning can be found in this document. 

Design and Technology:

This half term, the children will be designing and undertaking Rainforest Masterchef. We will be:

Blind taste testing of different fruits and vegetables.

 ‘Dissecting’ meals into the different ingredients they are made from.

 Categorising foods into the main food group they belong to.

 Ability to find key information from packaging, eg. Best before date or use by date, country of origin, nutritional information

Knife skills, eg. ability to safely and competently use bridge and claw techniques for chopping vegetables

Food hygiene quiz

Creating a ‘signature’ dish which they make in a small group.


More details about the knowledge and skills the children will be learning can be found in this document. 
