Ready Respectful Responsible
Each term, we hold a 'theme week', during which we work collaboratively with the other schools in our Trust to plan and deliver a wide range of memorable learning experiences to all of our classes in school. Each theme week has a different, carefully chosen focus. Find out more about our most recent theme weeks below.
This theme week took place in the week beginning the 18th October 2021. It had a clear Geography focus and during the week each class learnt about a different Natural Wonder of the World. Here is what we learnt about:
Nursery and Reception: The Great Barrier Reef
Year 1: Victoria Falls
Year 2: Mount Everest
Year 3: The Grand Canyon
Year 4: The Harbour of Rio
Year 5: Paricutin
Year 6: The Northern Lights
Children used maps, atlases and globes to learn about where the place was in relation to where they live and they studied the human and physical features of the places. In addition to the Geography work which was covered, each class produced a piece of writing and a piece of artwork. Examples of the class displays which were created to showcase the work can be seen below.