
Calverley Parkside Primary School

Ready Respectful Responsible

Spring 2

Sound Knowledge Organiser

This is what we will be learning about this first half term in Year 4. More information about the different subjects can be found in the 'Curriculum' section of the school website.


Reading: This half term we will continue reading C.S. Lewis' iconic novel, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. We will focus on specific chapters each week and take part in daily lessons that will help to develop key reading skills. We will be focusing on our inference and vocabularly skills in particular.


Writing: Our first unit of writing will be a non-chronological report about a dragon which will be inspired by our class novel, How to Train your Dragon. In the latter part of the half-term, we will be writing an explanation text which will explain why the Roman army was so successful. 


Maths: This half-term, we will be continue to study length and perimeter before moving onto Fractions. See the steps we will cover below: 


Length and Perimeter:

Step 4 Perimeter of a rectangle

Step 5 Perimeter of rectilinear shapes

Step 6 Find missing lengths in rectilinear shapes

Step 7 Calculate perimeter of rectilinear shapes

Step 8 Perimeter of regular polygons

Step 9 Perimeter of polygons



Step 1 Understand the whole

Step 2 Count beyond 1

Step 3 Partition a mixed number

Step 4 Number lines with mixed numbers

Step 5 Compare and order mixed numbers

Step 6 Understand improper fractions

Step 7 Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions

Step 8 Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers

Step 9 Equivalent fractions on a number line

Step 10 Equivalent fraction families

Step 11 Add two or more fractions

Step 12 Add fractions and mixed numbers

Step 13 Subtract two fractions

Step 14 Subtract from whole amounts

Step 15 Subtract from mixed numbers





Step 1 Tenths as fractions

Step 2 Tenths as decimals

Step 3 Tenths on a place value chart

Step 4 Tenths on a number line

Step 5 Divide a 1-digit number by 10

Step 6 Divide a 2-digit number by 10

Step 7 Hundredths as fractions

Step 8 Hundredths as decimals



Science:  In Science this half-term we are studying sound. We will explore how sound is created before taking part in scientific enquiries related to sound. For example, we will make string telephones and investigate whether the length of a piece of string affects the sound transmitted. We will also have a 'sound of science' experience day this half-term. 


History: This term we will continue to study the Romans. In our lessons this half-term, we will explore why the Roman Army was so successful before looking at how the Roman Empire eventually collapsed. We will then look at how the Romans impacted Britain by answering the question: 'What did the Romans do for us?'


Art and Design: This half-term, we will design and create Roman catapults in our Design and Technology lessons. 


PE: During our PE lessons this half-term, we will be coached by Brad from the Leeds Rhinos Foundation. We will be learning key skills which will allow pupils to successfully play a game of Tag Rugby. We will also be practising skipping this half-term in the lead up to our participation in the skipping festival next half-term. We will also continue our weekly swimming lessons every Thursday. 

