
Calverley Parkside Primary School

Ready Respectful Responsible


The Parkside Pillars of SEND


Create a positive and supportive environment for all pupils without exception

We remove barriers to learning and participation, providing an education which is appropriate to pupils’ needs, and promotes high standards and the fulfilment of potential for all pupils.


  • Promote positive relationships, active engagement, and wellbeing for all pupils
  • Ensure all pupils can access the best possible teaching
  • Adopt a positive and proactive approach to behaviour (see ‘Policies’ and our behaviour policy for more information).

Build an ongoing, holistic understanding of our pupils and their needs

We aim to understand the pupil’s learning needs using the graduated approach (assess, plan, do, review [see our Support Plans and Provision Map subpage)


We assess regularly and purposefully and seek input from parents and carers as well as pupils themselves and specialist professionals


Teachers feel empowered to use their professional judgements and information gathered to make decisions about the next steps for teaching a child

Ensure all pupils have access to high quality teaching

Quality first teaching – good teaching for pupils with SEND is good teaching for all


We use a range of strategies and are flexible in our approaches:

  • Flexible groupings in class
  • Cognitive and metacognitive approaches are considered
  • Explicit instruction
  • Use of technology to support pupils with SEND
  • Scaffolding of varied degrees


Complement high quality teaching with carefully selected small-group and one-to-one interventions

High quality teaching should reduce the need for interventions, but some children will require structured, targeted interventions to make progress


Intensity of intervention should increase with need


Interventions are carefully targeted through identification and assessment of need


Work effectively with teaching assistants

Our support staff supplement, but do not replace planning and teaching from the class teacher


Teaching assistants develop strong relationships with children


We aim to prevent children from being too reliant on our teaching assistants, independence is at the heart of practice


