
Calverley Parkside Primary School

Ready Respectful Responsible

Spring 1

This is what we will be learning about this  half term in Year 2. More information about the different subjects can be found in the 'Curriculum' section of the school website.



Our main focus text will be 'My Father's Dragon' by Ruth Stiles Garnett. We will be reading this in our daily reading lessons and using it to develop the children's retrieval and inference skills using different activities such as role play and hot seating. We will have 5 reading sessions each week. Our second focus book this half term will be Vlad and the Great Fire of London by Kate Cunningham.



During our writing lessons, we will be writing  be doing some narrative writing based on the book The Owl Afraid of the Dark. Our main focus will be on descriptive writing and writing about feelings. We will then be writing a diary entry about the Great Fire of London in first person.



This half term, we will be learning about:


Multiplication and Division

Money: Pupils will be taught to solve problems with money, including calculating change. They will be looking at coins (pence) and pounds.

Multiplication and Division: Pupils will be taught to use arrays and make equal groups in order to solve multiplication. They will be learning their 2,5 and 10 times tables. We will be using the sharing method to work out our divisions.



Our science topic this half term will be about Animals including humans. We will be looking at what animals need to survive, the importance of exercise, life cycles and sorting animals. Our knowledge organiser can be found below.



Year 2 will be learning about the Great Fire of London. We will be establishing what London was like in 1666. We will the work out how the fire started and who was at fault. We will learn how the fire spread so quickly and how the fire was eventually put out. We will then investigate how the fire shaped the future of London and ask the question was it a good thing or not? Our knowledge organiser is found below.



This half term, the children will be creating bridges out of suitable materials. The children will be required to investigate different types of bridges and how they are strengthened.  They will then choose a design to replicate, whilst choosing a suitable material and deciding how to strengthen the bridge.


Religious Education:

In RE, we will be looking at  'Why do people Pray'. We will look at the Lords Prayer and the Traweeh.

Knowledge Organiser for Science
