
Calverley Parkside Primary School

Ready Respectful Responsible

Autumn 2





Autumn 2 - Around the World


Welcome back to the Autumn 2 term at school. I hope you have enjoyed a lovely half-term break with family and friends. This term in reception our learning theme is 'Around the World'. You can find the Knowledge Organiser for this here


This term your child your will explore and learn about key celebrations, including Diwali and Christmas. They will also focus on comparing our local environment to different places around the world. They will have the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences of different places they have visited or would like to visit and will develop their understanding of these places by exploring the similarities and differences in relation to weather, food, buildings and environments. 



Writing: Your child will continue to focus on writing their name and letters of the alphabet correctly. They will also focus on hearing, saying and writing the sounds in small words to help them label pictures, write lists and captions. Some of the key writing they will complete this term include drawing and writing a list of things they will take with them to travel to different places, labelling different places in the world and writing key words based on the Christmas Story. 


Reading: Your child will continue to learn to decode and read CVC words as well as learn the 'helpful words' (the to I no go into little of ten - Please find the bookmark with these words on in your child's bag). They will also engage in daily story times and guided reading sessions to develop their understanding of 'what' and 'why' questions and to help them learn new vocabulary. 



We use the White Rose Scheme of learning to support the teaching of mathematical skills and concepts. This term your child will focus on representing, composing and comparing numbers to 5. They will also explore mathematical language linked to circles/triangle/squares/position and time.  


Expressive Arts and Design (EAD) and Understanding of the World (UW)


Our carefully planned curriculum and provision will enable your child to develop their artistic  and geographical skills as well as develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. This term your child will be engaging in a range of activities and experiences to help them find out about the world around them. Some of these include:

-Creating Mehndi and Rangoli patterns

-A walk around our local area

-Autumn crafts

-Exploring and using photographs and maps

-Creating Bonfire Night pictures

-Creating Christmas decorations and cards

-Singing songs and performing the Christmas Story

-Moving to music by dancing, marching, being animals or Pop stars (Listening and responding to different styles of music). 

