
Calverley Parkside Primary School

Ready Respectful Responsible


The internet is a fabulous education resource that provides pupils with an excellent source of knowledge, as well as stimulating games such as Mathletics.  Whilst we encourage pupils to use these resources, we place great importance on e-safety.

Pupils are provided age appropriate guidance about online safety and our access to websites in school is filtered to ensure access to appropriate materials.

For further information on e-safety you may wish to visit:


CEOP – Thinkuknow Thinkuknow For Parents


NSPCC- Keeping Children Safe Online




Children's Online Safety Test - Virgin Media


Keeping Kids Safe Online - O2


E-Safety moves on at such a pace that it would be impossible for our website to keep up to date with them all. Please do frequently review how you keep your children safe online with direct supervision and the control methods built in to many devices and operating systems.

Whilst every effort is made to link to safe external sites. We cannot be responsible for the content of the sites.
