
Calverley Parkside Primary School

Ready Respectful Responsible

Spring 2

This is what we will be learning about during the second half term in Year 3. More information about the different subjects can be found in the 'Curriculum' section of the school website.


Reading- This half term we will be reading the classic novel, Stig of the Dump by Clive King. We will focus on specific chapters each week and take part in daily lessons that will help to develop key reading skills. We will be focusing on our retrieval and inference skills in particular.

English- In our writing lessons this half-term, we will be begin by writing a survival guide for the stone age. Following this, children will independently create a different survival guide for ancient Egypt. In the second part of the half term, we will be creating narratives inspired by Stig of the Dump. 



This half term in maths we will be learning about the following:


In Science, we will continue to study plants and children will get the opportunity to dissect a flower and study the life cycle of different plants.


Then we will be learning about Lights and Shadows. We will be looking for patterns in what happens to shadows when the light source moves or the distance between the light source and object changes. We will also look at how shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object.

Science knowledge organiser


We will continue learning about Stone Age to Iron Age during this term. Children will understand that significant changes occurred within this period such as developing settlements and the making of tools for farming. We will also be visiting Leeds Discovery Centre again to take part in a Stone Age workshop.

PE: In PE this half-term, year 3 will be completing Commando Joe's missions based around the explorer, Ed Stafford. Commando Joe's is an active programme which aims to develop character in children by developing skills such as: resilience, teamwork, communication, empathy, self-awareness and passion. 


Year three will also be developing their gymnastic skills this half-term. 
